Life is the plot
With Creast technology, we guarantee a more sustainable entertainment industry.
Life is the plot
With Creast technology, we guarantee a more sustainable entertainment industry.

Based on real results
Creast has the first ISO-certified CO2 calculation software that does not allow errors in calculating the carbon footprint of our clients' activities.
Technology is not everything, but it can be the beginning of everything.
The ultimate solution to manage the sustainability of film, TV, advertising and events production, film distribution campaigns, movie theaters, and other entertainment activities.
the environmental impact of your activities.
your emissions with a sustainability plan.
the carbon footprint generated by your activities.
the carbon footprint that cannot be mitigated.
your project or company with highest sustainability standards.
How does Creast work?
Working together is part of our nature. The first inhabitants of the planet did it to survive. They quickly understood that this was not enough. There was a much more powerful experience: living.
By sharing with each other, our species began to learn, to love, to win. None of these three verbs make as much sense as when they are conjugated in plural. And from those first days until today, nothing has changed.
Let's innovate. But let's do it together.
At Creast, we have specialized in the sustainability of the entertainment industry: movies, distribution campaigns, movie theaters, TV shows, advertising, cultural, musical, sports events, or any other type that brings us together.
We define these activities as vital experiences and work to make them carbon zero as soon as possible. At Creast, we understand vital experiences are as those that, through our relationship with others and with our environment, transform the way we feel, think, and act, inspiring us to change our habits and attitudes. Below, you can see some of the projects we’ve helped to make more sustainable: